Monday, November 8, 2021

Want to help us make this motion the most popular in Parliament for 2021/22? See the bottom of this article for further details on how you can help!


WAVE Trust are delighted to announce yet another significant milestone in our goal to reduce levels of child maltreatment by 70% by 2030 as Jeremy Corbyn becomes the 100th MP to sign a motion that acknowledges how over two-thirds of MPs have endorsed our 70/30 Campaign and calls on the Government to adopt a comprehensive early years’ strategy to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE).

This motion, submitted by Wera Hobhouse MP, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for the Prevention of Childhood Trauma*, has so far attracted signatures from MPs across 7 parties in Parliament.

Those signing include two Westminster party leaders in Ed Davey (Liberal Democrats) and Ian Blackford (Scottish National Party), and now a former leader in Jeremy Corbyn (Labour).

WAVE Trust would like to personally thank Jeremy Corbyn MP for his support towards this motion and for helping it reach this milestone.


Cross-party support

Whilst 'Early Day Motions' are not binding on the UK Government, they are an invaluable means by which MPs can draw attention to particular causes of interest and to demonstrate what they think the UK Government’s priorities should be.

WAVE Trust are therefore delighted to note the strong cross-party support that this motion has generated and believe this can only assist in bringing the objectives of the 70/30 Campaign (to reduce child maltreatment by 70% by 2030) into fruition in the near future.


Ask your MP to support this Early Day Motion

We would encourage all supporters of the 70/30 Campaign to reach out to your MP if they have not yet signed it and encourage them to do so**.


Want to help us grow support in Parliament?

If you would you like to help make 70/30 a reality, then please get in touch with our team today.



*Formerly the APPG for the Prevention of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE). WAVE Trust is Secretariat for this group.

**We would advise not doing so for MPs who are Ministers or Shadow Cabinet members, as they do not ordinarily sign EDMs.