Monday, December 18, 2023

Building on a string of recent successes in Scotland, WAVE Trust can confirm that Renfrewshire council is the latest local authority in Scotland to pass a motion in support of the 70/30 campaign, becoming the 10th Scottish Council to do so.  The motion, which was brought to the Council by Scottish Conservative Councillor David McGonigle, on Thursday 14th December, was passed as following:

''Council notes and supports the ethos of the Wave Trust's 70/30   campaign to reduce child abuse, neglect, and other adverse childhood  experiences (ACEs) by at least 70% by the year 2030. The Wave Trust  campaign already has wide cross-party support and plays an important  part in the entrenchment of intergenerational health and income  inequalities. Council asks officers to bring a report on progress to a  future meeting. This report will provide an update on how Renfrewshire  Council and wider partners are progressing the ambition to reduce  childhood abuse and trauma in our local communities and to embed a  trauma-informed approach across services.


• Notes and recognises the wide preventative work already being carried 
out by Renfrewshire Council and acknowledges that there is a wide 
understanding of ACE’s across services, and the positive impact this 
can have on children as well as adults. 

• Notes the ambitions of the national campaign to make Scotland the 
first Adverse Child Experiences (ACE) aware Nation. 

• Notes that Renfrewshire Council cannot achieve these ambitions 
alone, and there is a wider responsibility and multi-agenda approach 
required in addition to the support of our wider communities. 

• Notes that supporting an early intervention approach to investment in 
promoting safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and environments 
can have a positive impact on a broad range of challenges, and on the 
development of skills that will help children and young people reach their 
full potential. 

• Continues to support and promote a trauma-informed, ACE awareness 
ethos to have a positive impact on both individuals and society as a 

• Continues to support all front-line staff across the Council and partners 
to be encouraged to take up opportunities for continued professional 
learning sessions on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). 

• Acknowledges that Adverse Childhood Experiences can and do impact 
on learning, attainment and future prospects for children and young 

• Seeks assurance that Trauma Informed learning is taking place across 
our early years and school settings to support children and young 

Alex Williamson, Public Affairs Office for WAVE Trust, said ' This is yet another success story in our goal to make Scotland a trauma informed country and to deliver the message of prevention across the UK. I am grateful to all of the councillors who agreed to give their support to our campaign and we look forward to working with them in the future to create a better future for all the children in Renfrewshire'. 

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