Wednesday, July 27, 2022


WAVE Trust are delighted to announce that Southampton City Council has become the latest local authority to pass a motion in support of working with our charity.

The motion calls for the council to work in partnership with, among others, WAVE Trust in extending Trauma-informed Practice across its services and working towards early years prevention.

It also "notes the support for WAVE Trust’s approach from Councillors from across this chamber as well as MPs here and in other cities".

WAVE is grateful toward the council for expressing their wish that the charity should play a role in their efforts to break these intergenerational cycles.

Alex Williamson, 70/30 Campaign Officer and Southampton resident, said: "Since I became involved with WAVE in 2016, it was always my primary ambition to bring our work into my home city and I am therefore delighted that the council has formally ignited that process.

"It is now my hope that my city can show other areas around the United Kingdom how a fully embedded trauma-informed approach can bring about real and meaningful change to the lives of its residents."


Would you like to work with WAVE in delivering change like this within your local community? If so, why not fill out an application to become an ambassador today and a member of our team will get in touch with you. See here for more details.